To: The New Jersey State Senate

Stop Chris Christie's plan to let big polluters ruin our water, air and land

Say no to Chris Christie's plan to let big polluters ruin our water, air and land. Say yes to a clean environment.

Why is this important?

For many decades, most Americans have taken it for granted that government should protect the integrity of the water that we drink, the air that we breathe, and the ground that we walk on.

It’s about keeping our kids healthy and being good stewards of the Earth. It’s not a Republican issue, or a Democratic issue. It’s a simple values proposition.

Unfortunately, Chris Christie doesn’t agree.

Governor Christie has proposed a new Department of Environmental Protection Waiver rule that would allow companies to circumvent over 100 guidelines that protect our water, air and land.

So, last week, I introduced a resolution holding these proposed rules inconsistent with the law’s intent. Simply put, if the Legislature passes my measure, Governor Christie’s waiver rule will be on its way to defeat.

Please join me in saying NO to Chris Christie, by signing this
petition. Tell the Legislature that they need to protect our citizens by overturning the governor’s dangerous policy.

Governor Christie’s plan is bad environmental policy and bad economics. His proposal would allow those corporations with the deepest pockets to choose which environmental protection rules they will follow, and which they won’t. Determinations will be made without input from the communities and citizens who are affected.

This Christie Administration’s scheme will further the economic imbalance between powerful corporations and small businesses. Small businesses will not likely have the resources or influence to go through the waiver process; nor will small businesses have the necessary certainty to know which rules apply to them and which don’t.

Please join me in saying NO to Chris Christie, by signing this petition.

We cannot allow environmental protection in New Jersey to be undercut by the highest bidder, nor can we allow giant multinational polluters to use their clout and cash to muscle out small businesses.

Urge the Legislature to protect our citizens by overturning the governor’s dangerous policy.


Barbara Buono
Senate Majority Leader (NJ)
