To: The Illinois State Senate

Stop City of Chicago from booting cars

Good Evening Everyone,

It's shame that Chicago city officials would resort to this tactic instead of going after high rise real estate owners for unpaid water bills (see below).

A Bill that would give the City of Chicago legal authority to "Boot" cars of residents who have unpaid utility service bills....i.e. (ComEd, gas, water, etc.), and possibly any other city revenues they want to attach. As we know the present "booting" of cars law applies only to "unpaid/outstanding parking tickets". If this law is passed it would require you to pay (within 24hr period)....the amount due city, along with cost for removal of boot, towing & storage fee for car - also, car can be sold via auction within days.

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO LIVE IN CHICAGO TO HELP IN THIS MATTER.!! TELL OTHERS & HAVE THEM TO CALL THE FOLLOWING OFFICE TO STOP THIS BILL. ~ IMMEDIATELY ~ ACTION NEEDED: Call Office of State Senator:- Ira. Silversteen & oppose Bill #36 Telephone(s): 773-743-5015 (local) (217) 782-5500 (Springfield, IL).

Why is this important?

Booting of cars
