To: President Donald Trump, The Georgia State House, The Georgia State Senate, Governor Brian Kemp, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate


Comcast cable has exhibited abuse with its lack of real time billing to facilitate its customers and therefore causes erroneous billing which results in interruption of services.

Why is this important?

Comcast's' lack of real time billing integration is critical to customers like myself who receives erroneous bills and have their services interrupted. Comcast capitalizes on customers who move and transfer services and attempts to disguise it (or code it)as a termination of service. They then send you out a bill which you can ill afford, and terminate your services when it is not paid. If equipment is collected at the time of termination of service, Comcast schedules a pickup but has no real time technology to track it, or so they said when they attempted to charge me $1100.00 for that incident alone . Their practices are unlawful and unfair and they should be required by law to have real time integration in all areas so that their customers are billed in real time for the right amount at the right time. Their customer service is not required to return your call if you receive a hang up which are many when calling in an issue so it goes unresolved due to countless hang ups which then impacts a customers daily life and ability to conduct business as your services will now be interrupted They should not be allowed to do this it is illegal and unfair and they are price gouging their customers. Internet, Phone and Alarm systems are critical to any household, but how can a customer maintain these services with a company that continuously persists in bad billing practices which are unlawful and creates unnecessary hardships for customers
