To: Merchants Credit Corp., Robert S. Friedman, PLLC, Stop Companies from filing payroll Garnishment during the recession, President Donald Trump, The Washington State House, The Washington State Senate, Governor Jay Inslee, The United State...

Stop Companies from filing payroll Garnishment during the recession

Merchants Credit Corp.
2245 152nd Avenue NE
Redmond, Washington, 98052

Dear Merchants Credit and Robert S. Friedman, PLLC
We the undersigned are not happy with corporations like yours, who seize funds from the pockets of our neighbors.
We understand that money is owed, but forcing repayment by payroll garnishment in these perilous times is a dishonorable way to conduct business. We ask that you please set aside litigation against Americans who are struggling to eat, pay utilities, and maintain a roof over their heads. We ask that you delay or suspend legal action until the recession eases and a working recovery is upon us. At very least, please consider a more lenient repayment plan before moving to suit or writ of garnishment. That grace would keep those on the edge from falling deeper into financial hardship and would help them maintain a roof over their heads as they continued to pay down debt balances.
We the 99%, predominantly the working class, will continue to confront companies who do not show respect or compassion but rather thoughtlessly add to the burden of financial stress of already struggling families who’s hope is to simply survive.

Why is this important?

During the past four years of recession, American families have struggled to keep their heads above water. The tax payers have been straddled with the debt of “too big to fail” financial institution bail-outs. They have watched good jobs go off-shore due to corporate sponsored government programs like NAFTA. Wages, benefits and jobs are at a fraction of what they were a few short years ago while corporate earnings soar. Meanwhile collection agencies continue taking much needed money from the shrinking monthly budgets of its targets; those with the least to spare.
I am writing this in support of my fellow countrymen who are experiencing financial hardship, largely caused by the greed and misconduct of bankers and corporations. It is time we stand up and let them know that we will not sit idly by being bullied and gouged. We need to discourage these companies and their collection agencies from filing law suits or writs of garnishment. Behaving with impunity they act without mercy toward our neighbors, who are in many instances, barley staying fed and sheltered.
Please help me address predatory companies by signing this petition, asking them to cease and desist from filing law suits and writs of garnishment until a true recovery has begun.