To: President Donald Trump
Stop Confined Animal Feed Operation (C.A.F.O.) in Central Wisconsin
Stop the Confined Animal Feeding Operation ( C.A.F.O.) in Central WI. to save Saratoga resident's water quality and trout streams from the impact of 5700 cow's manure.
Why is this important?
A C.A.F.O. is trying to force it's way into a currently forested area in a residential area in the town of Saratoga, WI. The soil is primarily sand and has a shallow water table with private wells as shallow as 20 feet deep. The C.A.F.O. wants to purchase 8,000 acres for crops and have a dairy with 5700 cows, calves, and heifers. The Saratoga water is at risk of contamination, in addition to 2 trout streams. The C.A.F.O. wants permission to install 47 high capacity wells. This amount of water draw will risk the aquifer and the nitrates will seep into the water table. Please help fight C.A.F.O.'s in Central WI !