To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

stop corporations from breaking their agreements with Komomo, Indiana local union

Stop Corporations from threaten workers to agreeing to their terms of a union contract or else they'll take our jobs over seas or close the facility . And then violating a contract after signing and agreeing to the terms of the local because they don't like what is in it.

Why is this important?

GM agreed with the local contract on our wages and benefits for workers who work FOS, Flexible Operating Schedules by signing and agreeing with what was in our "local" contract. It stated that employees who work the FOS should be compensated for working 12hr shifts, and, every other Saturday and Sunday by being paid premium pay on Sat. and Sun. forgoing a regular 8hr 5-day week "normal" schedule. Also no overtime for working 8hrs.
By sacrificing by not working the "normal" schedule we were promised by GM who signed to and agreed to the local contract. But now they want to pay us straight time for pay even though it would be violating the agreement they signed and agreed to. Please don't let them win they have cut my wages in half and cut my heath benefits. They have "taken" so much making the workers sacrifice while the CEOS and top executives give themselves bonus and raises they don't even deserve for a company they caused to go bankrupt by moving our jobs over seas. We need to stop them from "getting away' with violating the promise they made to their employees and then threatening workers by stating they'll close our facility or getting rid of the jobs we perform if we don't agree with what they want.
Help us by signing below letting the politicians and the people in power know that workers have a right to a job and not threatening a union if we don't agree to their terms, even if what they are doing is a violation of the law--unfair labor practice, violated by not honoring what they agreed to. But they know they can intimidate if they don't get what they want "all the time"., Whats the purpose of a union if a corporation can threaten their workers with a loss of job?
We sacrificed by letting our income get cut in half and our benefits reduced. It was our sacrifices that turned this company around. Not the CEO'S big bonuses and who shipped our jobs over sea that bankrupted American's who lost the jobs and could not afford to spend money they no longer had which caused this country to go bankrupt.
Stand up and be counted, even if your not a union employee no one, especially in today's economy, should be threaten with losing their job. Don't let a big Corporation get away with violating the law nor the people who made them what they are today or it may be you next? If no one stands up then it's as if your agreeing with the unjust treatment.
their Goliath we're David wont you be the stone in David's hand and help us get this giant so he doesn't step all over us and crush us all.
Thank you for your support our jobs depend on it.