To: D.Hutcheson, CEO

Stop Cricket communications from bad service and bulling practices

Crickets web sites states: " We work hard to earn your loyalty, every day!" words we believe you should live by, so stop giving hard working customers bad service, inefficient texting, dropped calls, low grade web service when we work hard to pay our bills.

Why is this important?

Cricket communications works hard to get new customers with a cheap alternative to phone service but if you raise questions as to why you are not receiving the service promised you will get disconnected, bullied and overcharged.If you are tired of getting bulldozed by these companies who over charge , sell expensive phone with the promise of monthly charges that are lower than other companies all along not receiving the service you are paying for yet still having to deal with the added aggravation of having to move companies when they unequivocally refuse to take care of their clients then its time to show the executives that we are the people that have made them millions and we will not be discarded so easily..We expect the service promised and paid for and if the company is unable to , then we expect a refund of the equipment purchased ect.
