To: The Louisiana State House, The Louisiana State Senate, and Governor John Bel Edwards

Stop Cuts to Hospice, Mental Health in LA

Louisiana must find a way to solve its budget problems without targeting the poor, sick and dying, and children with mental health issues. These proposed cuts will cost the state more in hospitalizations, crime and continued poverty. Please stand up for the rights of the poor and disabled and vote "No" on this draconian budget.

Why is this important?

The state of Louisiana is considering a budget that would eliminate all Hospice care to people covered by Medicaid and ending a program that largely uses federal welfare dollars to provide unique mental health treatment to very young children. More than 5,800 people received Hospice care through Medicaid in 2012. Eliminating the Early Childhood Supports and Services program will save the state only $134,000 for a program which receives a $2.7 million federal match.