To: The Indiana State House and The United States Senate

Stop bill collectors from issuing a warrant for your arrest

We are calling on the entire US Senate to put a stop to this practice and end modern day debtor-prison.

Why is this important?

Did you know that you could be be arrested for an unpaid bill? Judges have signed off on 5,000 debt-related arrest warrants since 2010. Under the law, debtors aren't arrested for nonpayment, but rather for failing to respond to court hearings, pay legal fines, or otherwise showing "contempt of court" in connection with a creditor lawsuit.

I found out the hard way when I received a letter stating that there has been a request sent to the courts asking them to issue a warrant for my arrest unless I contact the courts to make payment arrangements. Long story short; when I went to talk to the court clerk, I was told that I had to pay $50.00 towards my bill or a warrant would be issued for my arrest. Imagine the fear and overwhelming stress that this put on my family. I had to come up with money in order for them to give me a court date and to avoid arrest (for now).

I have been lucky so far, but there are others out there that don't have a clue that there has been a warrant issued for their arrest until the cops come knocking on the door or they get pulled over for a minor traffic violation and go to jail. When they go in front of the judge they are told to they have to pay all, or part, of the debt or remain in jail until it is paid. Here is the kicker! The money goes to the creditor. If a person cannot come up with the money then they will stay in jail indefinitely.

We cannot continue to allow debt collectors to use the courts for this unconstitutional practice.
