To: President Donald Trump and The Georgia State House
People with felony convictions need to stop being discriminated against when it comes to jobs, housing, etc.!
Why is this important?
I am starting this petition because it is unfair to people who are convicted of a felony and that have changed their life for the better, have gotten a college education, and are discriminated against with employers! We deserve a second chance to become successful too! And people wonder why felons revert back to their old illegal ways! Because no one is willing to give us a chance! One mistake and we're given a life sentence! No good jobs, no housing! Considered the black sheep of America! Its not right! How are we supposed to get our lives back on track? Employment discrimination against us needs to stop!!!! Unless it's murder, rape, child molestatation or something to that effect, it shouldn't have to be disclosed! You could even make it where after a certain number of years, it doesn't have to be disclosed ! We need fair treatment!!!