To: Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (AZ-1) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (SC-1)
Stop Dismantling of DOJ
Tell Senators McCain and Graham to take same bold stance against Jeff Sessions' confirmation as they have in condemning Trump's executive order on halting the refugee resettlement program and banning immigration from 7 nations.
Please preserve the sanctity of The Department of Justice and the checks and balances that truly protect the American people, not this illegal executive order and the appointed mouthpiece to defend it vigorously. Trump has demonstrated absolute disregard for a dissenting opinion - do you believe Sen. Sessions will stand up to illegal actions from this administration? If not, you must vote no!
Please preserve the sanctity of The Department of Justice and the checks and balances that truly protect the American people, not this illegal executive order and the appointed mouthpiece to defend it vigorously. Trump has demonstrated absolute disregard for a dissenting opinion - do you believe Sen. Sessions will stand up to illegal actions from this administration? If not, you must vote no!
Why is this important?
I am an attorney who previously served in Africa as a refugee rights attorney. I am also just an ordinary human being, distraught at the fascist-leaning policies of the Trump Administration.