To: The South Carolina State House, The South Carolina State Senate, and Governor Henry McMaster

Stop Dog Hunting Now!

Dear Lawmakers:

Please help law abiding landowners stop dog hunters from trespassing on their land and using high powered weapons and dogs to intimidate rural residents, particularly women and people of color. Still hunters have complained about the disregard that dog hunters have for landowners often saying "A dog can't read." Dog hunters use their connections with some law enforcement and lawmakers to get away with their abusive behavior. They run their dogs on private land, shoot their weapons, kill livestock, and make it difficult for the law abiding still hunter to enjoy the sport. Help us live in peace on our land. We have a right to the peaceful enjoyment of our property, but not when dog hunters are still allowed to abuse property owners with no recourse. When DNR is called, they merely wait until the officer leaves and begin dog hunting again. Dog hunters have been known to kill livestock, shoot towards landowners, steal items on the property of others and basically have a total disregard for the rights of private landowners.

Please help the law abiding property owners in South Carolina live in peace. Stop dog hunting. Please help us.


Property Owners Against Dog Hunters

Why is this important?

Dog hunting in South Carolina has become an outrageous abuse of the rights of landowners who live in rural areas. Not only can they not walk their land freely without dogs and men following close behind with loaded weapons, their livestock is killed. For women and people of color, it is especially abusive since some of these hunters use their power and connections with lawmakers to continue their abusive behavior. Still hunters have also complained about dog hunters yet law enforcement in rural areas are often friends with these dog hunters and will do nothing to stop them. Help us live in peace. Help us survive without getting murdered by an errant bullet. Most of the dog hunters destroy signs and intimidate for shooting at residents, particularly women. Help us stop this atrocious sport that even still hunters despise. Help us live in peace. Please sign the petition.