To: The California State House, The California State Senate, and Governor Gavin Newsom

Stop Driver's License Discrimination in California: Yes to Driver's Licenses for the Undocumented

We, the undersigned, demand the immediate repeal of the California Vehicle Code Section 12801.5 and any other provision that discriminates against persons based on their immigration status.

We, furthermore demand that the licenses issued upon reforming this law must not identify a person’s immigration status, since the State of California should not participate in an act that could result in discrimination or persecution against any community.

Why is this important?

Whereas, the California Vehicle Code states:

Article 12801.5 (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the department shall require an applicant for an original driver's license or identification card to submit satisfactory proof that the applicant's presence in the United States is authorized under federal law.

Whereas, this law is unjust and discriminatory, since a person’s immigration status has no logical relation to his or her capacity to drive responsibly;

Whereas, this law has caused economic and psychological harm to millions of people in the State of California, through impounding of vehicles, fines, criminal records for the simple fact of driving without the license denied to them, severe limitations upon their ability to mobilize, and in some cases driving without a license has resulted in deportation;

Whereas, the majority of the undocumented community has to commute far from home for work, public transportation is inadequate in several parts of the State, and whereas, many undocumented families have small children and need to drive to take their children to school, for their medical care, for their day-to-day purchases and to participate in community, family and religious activities;

Whereas, the existing law contributes to racial profiling, as well as hate crimes and a general environment in society that allows for persecution, marginalization and rejection of the undocumented community and minority communities in general.

Whereas, several cities in the State of California have used the existing law to mount harassment campaigns under the cover of “traffic safety,” which consist of checkpoints and saturation patrols as a way to generate revenues for their municipalities, even though these campaigns do not contribute to the welfare and safety of the community.

Whereas, the existing law, just like Arizona’s SB1070, preempts federal immigration law with the aim of oppressing the immigrant community;

Whereas, the existing law is the remnant of anti-immigrant campaigns from the 1990’s in the State of California and should have been repealed years ago;

Whereas, several states issue drivers’ licenses to all drivers in their states who can pass the driver exams and meet driving safety requirements, and furthermore, several public officials, including Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villarraigosa, LAPD Chief Charlie Beck and Sheriff Lee Baca, as well as the Los Angeles Police Protective League and the Los Angeles Airport Peace Officers' Association support the issuance of drivers’ licenses to undocumented immigrants.

Whereas, the repeal of this measure would contribute to traffic safety for all Californians, since those currently affected would undergo the regulation process in the issuance of their licenses.
Whereas, the granting of such drivers’ licenses would stimulate the economy for a critical workforce in California that generates over $157 billion in Gross State Product.

We demand the IMMEDIATE REPEAL of the California Vehicle Code Section 12801.5 and any other provision that discriminates against persons based on their immigration status.

We furthermore demand that the licenses issued upon reforming this law must not identify a person’s immigration status, since the State of California should not participate in an act that could result in discrimination or persecution against any community.

We call upon the affected communities and the public in general to participate in this campaign to eliminate discrimination in the issuance of drivers’ licenses in the State of California based on a person’s immigration status, as part of the struggle for civil rights, equality and human rights in our country.

Help us attain 10,000 signatures.

-Latino Roundtable of the San Gabriel and Pomona Valleys