To: The Michigan State House, The Michigan State Senate, and Governor Gretchen Whitmer

Stop Drone Spies in MICHIGAN

I am deeply concerned and reject the use of drone technology by the Michigan State Police Department (MSP). I demand that the Michigan State Police be prohibited from any use of drone technology. The acquisition of drones by the MSP signifies a huge step forward in the militarization of local law enforcement. The use of drone technology continues the normalization of surveillance, getting communities used to being watched and creating a culture of suspicion and fear. Drone technology in the hands of the Michigan State Police must be stopped because we have the right to live peaceably and privately without interference from government or law enforcement.

Why is this important?

Drones open the door to an unparalleled invasion of everyone’s privacy, and create a great potential of false identification. Historically drones are used to commit to acts of war. We are a free people, with rights given to us by birth. We deserve and require that those rights be recognized. We will not be spied on by police drones. We have the right to privacy!
