To: Gerard Anderson, CEO, DTE Energy
Why is DTE Energy moving Michigan backwards with plans to waste $1 billion on a gas plant? Clean energy development like solar, wind, and efficiency will create more jobs and economic opportunity, help Michigan electric customers save on power bills, and protect community health. Please send your team back to the drawing board to design an innovative, affordable, modern, and clean plan for Michigan's future.
Why is this important?
DTE Energy can and must do better for Michigan than spending $1 billion on a new gas plant. Right now, DTE is seeking approval from regulators at the Public Service Commission, which will make a decision in April on whether to move the plant forward.
Investing in clean energy will create 10 times more construction jobs and 4 times more ongoing jobs than building a new gas plant would. Unfortunately, DTE’s current plan seems designed to benefit its shareholders, at the expense of its customers, Michigan citizens, public health, and the environment.
Instead of prioritizing fossil fuels and a short-term profit for shareholders, what if DTE could help expand the state’s economy and place Michigan at the forefront of our country’s clean energy cultivation? Raise your voice to power up Michigan with clean energy and stand against this $1 billion gas plant.
Investing in clean energy will create 10 times more construction jobs and 4 times more ongoing jobs than building a new gas plant would. Unfortunately, DTE’s current plan seems designed to benefit its shareholders, at the expense of its customers, Michigan citizens, public health, and the environment.
Instead of prioritizing fossil fuels and a short-term profit for shareholders, what if DTE could help expand the state’s economy and place Michigan at the forefront of our country’s clean energy cultivation? Raise your voice to power up Michigan with clean energy and stand against this $1 billion gas plant.