To: Julie Wollman, President, Edinboro University

Stop Edinboro Faculty & Program Cuts

Retract the plans proposed in the Edinboro University Operations and Workforce Plan as released from the Office of the President September 10, 2013 to place five university programs on moratorium and potentially eliminate more than 40 FTE faculty positions.

Why is this important?

Many Edinboro University students, alumni, faculty and staff, community members, and others are opposed to Dr. Wollman's new 2013-2018 Strategic Plan and would like their voices heard. We are united in our opposition to Edinboro's plans to potentially eliminate more than 40 FTE faculty positions and the elimination of baccalaureate programs in German, Music, Music Education, Philosophy, and World Languages and Cultures. While we realize that Edinboro University is currently facing a budget deficit we do not believe that academics or faculty are areas that should be stifled, as a result.
