To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate
Stop Employers from Discriminating When Employees Disclose Disability
Stop Disability Discrimination in the Workplace for Employees Who Are Diagnosed/Learn of a Disability after Years of Tenure!
Why is this important?
American's with Disabilities Act provides protection for employees with disabilities prior to obtaining employment, but what about those who do not learn of their disability or are not diagnosed until years later? This could happen to anyone of you. All across America employers are forcing resignations, firing and demoting highly qualified individuals in fear that their disability will interfere with the very same job they were once hired & deemed qualified to do.
Why should you take a stand? By doing so you are not only saving tax payer dollars and replenishing the constantly depleting social security funds available to Americans who are eligible for retirement; but also giving someone a chance at having their livelihood back. Imagine being in a position where you feel needed as a nurse, teacher, daycare worker or some other profession; to wake up and have that all taken away. In “Right to Work” States, like Florida, this is even more appalling that employers don’t have to give reason for their dismissal and makes the issue even more prevalent. Staying home collecting a 'check' should not be a way of life for those that are willing & able to continue their duties with accommodations. Encourage employers to make accommodations for employees with tenure.
Why should you take a stand? By doing so you are not only saving tax payer dollars and replenishing the constantly depleting social security funds available to Americans who are eligible for retirement; but also giving someone a chance at having their livelihood back. Imagine being in a position where you feel needed as a nurse, teacher, daycare worker or some other profession; to wake up and have that all taken away. In “Right to Work” States, like Florida, this is even more appalling that employers don’t have to give reason for their dismissal and makes the issue even more prevalent. Staying home collecting a 'check' should not be a way of life for those that are willing & able to continue their duties with accommodations. Encourage employers to make accommodations for employees with tenure.