To: The California State House, The California State Senate, and Governor Gavin Newsom

Stop Express Lanes in California

The Los Angeles MTA converted the existing carpool lanes on I-110 and I-10 into paid toll Express Lanes. This not only creates a 2-tiered freeway system that is unfair to most drivers, but it also causes more traffic jams by forcing the carpool drivers to use the slow lanes. The MTA must provide carpool lanes that are accessible to all carpool drivers.

Why is this important?

Conversion of existing carpool lanes into paid toll lanes is unfair and is causing more traffic jams on the slow lanes. This is a reversal of the whole idea behind having carpool lanes in the first place. Ultimately, it's creating a 2-tiered traffic system where non-paying drivers have to suffer worse traffic. It is also a double taxation as the tax-payers already paid for the freeways.