To: The Florida State House and The Florida State Senate
Stop FL Parent Trigger Legislation
FL Legislators: I urge you to deny the passing of the Parent Empowerment in Education bill (HB 867 or SB 862) so that the public education system remains a corporation-free, public institution in the hands and power of the parents, educators, community groups, and taxpayers that support and nurture it.
Why is this important?
To the dismay of parents, the Florida PTA, other parents groups and their supporters, the Parent Empowerment in Education Bill, a.k.a Florida’s “Parent Trigger” bill, has once again been introduced into the Florida House of Representatives and Senate. After failing last year due to the concerted efforts of parents and parent groups, legislators saw fit to reintroduce the bill once again to see if Florida parents and their supporters had changed their minds regarding this issue. Such insistence on a “parent trigger” bill in Florida can only be described in the manner that Diane Ravitch, the former Secretary of Education, describes “parent trigger” policy in general:“ It is the quintessence of a corporate power grab.”
As stocks for corporations managing charter schools rise, the passing of a bill that would streamline the creation of more charter schools from these “triggered” public schools amounts to a systematic attack on public education in favor of for-profit businesses that aim to privatize the education system.
The variety of points in opposition to Parent Empowerment in Education bill has been concisely summarized by the Florida PTA:
1) Why would legislators reintroduce a bill that was vehemently opposed by a significant number of parent groups?
2) Uses the rhetoric of parent love and empowerment to hand a neighborhood school over to a private entity with no guarantees for a better alternative.
3) Promotes for-profit charter takeover thus robbing Florida taxpayers of a capital investment as for-profit charters do not answer to any elected official. Furthermore, the corporation managing the charter school profits from public, taxpayer dollars.
4) Pits parents against themselves during the petition process and pits parents against teachers by raising suspicion on the ability of every teacher.
5) Allows for multiple opportunities for virtual vendors to market and lobby to parents.
6) Strips away local School Board control as the Board of Education ultimately makes the decision on the turnaround option.
7) Ignores pre-existing laws that allows School Advisory Councils consisting of parents, teachers, and community partners to determine the direction of an underperforming school.
As stocks for corporations managing charter schools rise, the passing of a bill that would streamline the creation of more charter schools from these “triggered” public schools amounts to a systematic attack on public education in favor of for-profit businesses that aim to privatize the education system.
The variety of points in opposition to Parent Empowerment in Education bill has been concisely summarized by the Florida PTA:
1) Why would legislators reintroduce a bill that was vehemently opposed by a significant number of parent groups?
2) Uses the rhetoric of parent love and empowerment to hand a neighborhood school over to a private entity with no guarantees for a better alternative.
3) Promotes for-profit charter takeover thus robbing Florida taxpayers of a capital investment as for-profit charters do not answer to any elected official. Furthermore, the corporation managing the charter school profits from public, taxpayer dollars.
4) Pits parents against themselves during the petition process and pits parents against teachers by raising suspicion on the ability of every teacher.
5) Allows for multiple opportunities for virtual vendors to market and lobby to parents.
6) Strips away local School Board control as the Board of Education ultimately makes the decision on the turnaround option.
7) Ignores pre-existing laws that allows School Advisory Councils consisting of parents, teachers, and community partners to determine the direction of an underperforming school.