To: Sallie Mae Corporation, ATTN: CEO, Name, Title or Position (optional), The Illinois State House, The Illinois State Senate, Governor J.B. Pritzker, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

STOP "for-profit" schools from enrolling new students due to job loss

Please sign this if you've been robbed out of a education, student loans in deferment, or facing wages being garnished.

Why is this important?

I am a former graduate from ITT Technical Institute and received my Associates Degree in Computer Network Systems in July 2006. Now it's November 2012 and I have no job leading to any IT position. The only jobs I were only able to obtain are "minimum wage" jobs. With $20,000 in debt, student loans doubled in 6 years, and searching for something that doesn't exist I feel robbed out of a education. According to the student loan act it should be discharged if I didn't benefit from the education, which I haven't. Why am I working mininum wage $8.25/hr jobs? When I first saw the ITT Tech commercial in 2002 I thought it would be a excellent choice to further my career, but now 10 years later it's a disaster. My student loans are currently in deferment and my wages are being garnished. I'm struggling as is it and these people won't get off my back. The economy has went to booming to people losing their jobs in groves and I'm affected by all this.
