To: Governor Andrew Cuomo

Stop Fracking from Blasting our Water and our Democracy

Petition for NY State to do a "Health Impact Analysis" that includes:
a) public notice of the intent and scope; b) a 30+-day public comment period; c) public hearings ; d) a public comment on sgeis process.

Why is this important?

Gas companies can blast with rock-smashing power and 100’s of toxic chemicals directly under our water well and the lake where our children, grandchildren, friends, and family swim and fish, as we have done for decades. The property has been in our family for over 80 years and is a treasured place for family gatherings. Governor Cuomo will decide anytime now. The towns and communities of upstate NY have been engaged in a battle against fracking for more than four years. If the gas companies have their way, they can take our gas and pollute our land and water without our permission. Please support the Health Impact Assessment. It is a crucial step in stoping fracking.

An unholy alliance between corporations and governments has led to secret laws and corporate taking of private property that have given gas companies free rein to exploit and destroy New York State land, air and water (with an exception for the NYC watershed.) Setting aside the federal Clean Air and Clean Water Acts for natural gas extraction by fracking and setting aside private property rights by means of NY’s “compulsory integration” law are just two of many ways that subjugate democratic rights solely to benefit the gas companies.