To: The Illinois State House


Fracking will eventually poison our creeks, streams, rivers, and water table. Short-term gain for investors will ultimately result in long-term environmental damage that will inevitably affect all citizens of our state as well as deface its beauty and destroy wildlife. Please stop this horrible practice before it begins!

Why is this important?

My brother lives in southern Illinois and has conveyed to me his deep concern about the use of a method of oil extraction that will ultimately cause horrible environmental harm. It's clear that there will be scant and ineffective oversight over this profitable business venture for investors who will not be affected by this deplorable practice. HOWEVER, THE CITIZENS OF ILLINOIS WILL INEVITABLY SUFFER THE RESULTS OF TAINTED WATER TABLES! WE MUST CARE ENOUGH FOROUR "LAND OF LINCOLN" TO STOP THIS PRACTICE BEFORE IT BEGINS! IF NOTHING ELSE, THINK OF YOUR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN, AS WELL AS THE FISH IN THE STREAMS AND ALL OF THE OTHER CREATURES WHO DEPEND UPON CLEAN WATER!