To: President Donald Trump, The Minnesota State House, The Minnesota State Senate, Governor Tim Walz, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Stop Gambian President Yaya Jammeh now

Dear MoveOn member,

I am an exiled journalist from Gambia, West Africa residing in Minneapolis.

My name is Fatou Jaw Manneh, also a proud member of I appreciate how we can mobilize ordinary people to achieve big things political, social or environmental in our communities in the US. I lived in this country for over 10 years.

Please, MoveOn member, you may wonder what a Gambian national would want this organization to do. Again, it comes It all comes back to the world looking up to America for its democratic values, strong government, and energetic citizens who are always ready to defend for what they think is right.

Well, my president is Yaya Jammeh of Gambia, West Africa. You all remember he declared he can cure aids, and other ailments? Well, he is back at it again, this time he said he will execute 47 criminals on death row, conflicting news that he carried out nine executions Thursday, August 23, 2012.

He is capable, he has done worse to that country and its’ citizens since he came to power 17 years ago. He has shot at unsuspecting school children peacefully demonstrating for a colleague who was killed in the hands of the Gambian government security forces.

He has arrested thousands of old men and women across the country, accusing them of being witches with the intention of destabilizing his government. These old fragile citizens were forced to drink concoctions that became fatal to them after their release...most of them are dead now. The Point Newspaper editor, Deyda Hydara was shot dead, journalist Chief Ebrima Manneh was arrested in 2006, he is still missing feared dead. Most journalists, activists, including myself, have all fled the country and are living outside.
He has arrested soldiers loyal to him on allegations of setting up coups, are jailed and some killed. He sells drugs, preps rebel groups aimed at destabilizing neighboring countries like Senegal. Please MoveOn member, protest to congress to help empower Gambians to save its citizens from this dictator. He is killing citizens covertly and overtly now.

Please tell congress and the US Attorney General to investigate his ill-gotten wealth in the USA, and not to harbor the Gambian dictator, his family, and his ill-gotten wealth.
This is not what America is about or is expected of America.

Your founding fathers have sacrificed a lot to make this country a model in the world. A country where people are allowed to live freely, pursue their dreams, happiness, and liberty. Gambian citizens are denied all these rights in their own country.

Help Gambia out. After his killing sprees, he always joins his wife, at a cozy $3.5 million Potomac mansion in Washington DC/Maryland.

Please help us with your congress members to pay attention to President Yaya Jammeh of Gambia.

Gambians are timid people. We all run, but believe me we do not want to clog the US immigration system. We want to go home and build a democratic society, live in peace. We are a very peaceful people. His ruthlessness has caught us off guard and for 17 yrs we are paralyzed and at a loss of how to tackle him.

Below are some news clips from the US and around the world on his recent mad and obscene diatribe. "I strongly condemn the executions which have reportedly taken place on Thursday 23 August 2012, following President Jammeh's stated intention to carry out all death penalties before mid-September," EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton said in a statement. - Reuters,_promises_urgent_response.html?cid=33388234
Minister Alistair Burt expresses concern over reports that nine prisoners have been executed.
"The UK Government opposes all use of the death penalty as a matter of principle.” -
Gambia’s Leader Declares Plans for Mass Executions
Published: August 24, 2012. New York Times

Gambia: President Jammeh must retract call for execution of death row inmates - Amnesty International--

Gambia – Announcement of the forthcoming execution of all prisoners condemned to death (August 21, 2012)
France utterly condemns the decision by Gambia’s President Jammeh to execute in September all prisoners who have been condemned to death in Gambia.
Gambia to execute all death row prisoners by September
AFP – Sun, Aug 19, 2012

In The Gambia President Jammeh is threatening a Mass Execution of those individuals currently on Death Row. He threatened to do this back in 2009 but ba...

Why is this important?

An appeal to American citizens to help us reach out to congress to empower Gambians against the threats of Dictator Yaya Jammeh, and to the US Attorney General to seize all of dictator Yaya Jammeh's ill gotten wealth in the United States.
