To: Robert A. "Bob" McDonald, CEO Proctor and Gamble

Stop gang child rapist from selling Proctor and Gamble products

Please write or call Proctor and Gamble (in Cincinatti, OH) and urge them to stop using an admitted child gang rapist, Vic Sotto, as a pitchman for their products in the Philippines. Write or call your local TV or radio station, any and all human rights advocates and women's groups and let them know what P&G are doing. Learn more about VIc Sotto and his gang rape of Pepsi Paloma via a google search.

Why is this important?

An admitted gang child rapist, Vic Sotto, is the pitchman for P&G products in the Philippines. He and two other adult males raped a young Filipino-American girl and then to avoid the death penalty, simply admitted the rape. They were never prosecuted but the victim committed suicide several years later. Since the gang rape all three men involved, but especially Vic Sotto, have gone on to great wealth and fame in the Philippines. That is why P&G Philippines is using Sotto to sell their products here. But P&G is an American company, and it is they whom I want to petition to stop using this horrible child rapist to make money for them. The Philippines is a racist, sexist country where such men as Sotto are revered. But NOT in the U.S.
