To: Christine Quinn, NY City Councilwoman, Michael Bloomberg, Mayor of NYC, The New York State House, The New York State Senate, and Governor Andrew Cuomo

Stop Garbage Pollution in Residential Area

Stop the proposed Yorkville-Harlem Garbage Transfer Station. This would be a ten-story garbage facility in a historic and multi-ethnic, as well as landmark area which is home to one of the city's finest outdoor athletic facilities used by local schools and neighbors. Political factors involving the outgoing mayor influenced the decision, which has been shown to be more expensive than easily feasible alternatives, hazardous to aircraft, and noxious to health. It is opposite historic Gracie Mansion and will dominate the odors and the views from it and the widely-used park in which it is located. Gracie Mansion was the NYC Mayor's residence until Mr. Bloomberg decided to remain in the comfort of his own personal multi-million dollar townhouse in another neighborhood. The mayor's personal insensitivity to this matter in favor of crass political gain is morally reprehensible, in addition to the other factors that make the proposal both unjust and dangerous. For more information, go to

Why is this important?

New York City proposes a ten-story garbage facility in a historic and multi-ethnic, as well as landmark area which is home to one of the city's finest outdoor athletic facilities used by local schools and neighbors. Political factors involving the outgoing mayor influenced the decision, which has been shown to be more expensive than alternative, hazardous to aircraft, and noxious to health.