To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Stop Giving Govt. Officials Outrageous Pensions

Dear Legislators,

Please rethink the impact that your pensions pose on America's economy. Americans everywhere are struggling in this society; trying to keep food in their families' mouths, roofs over heads, and clothes on their backs, while our tax dollars feed your pension. I ask you to evaluate your contributions to society as a whole and determine whether or not they are worth having American tax dollars fund your pension, even after only two years of public service. Extravagance at the poor and middle-class's expense is not an honorable living. Please let me remind you that in our present state, it is harder than ever to find a job, and a good one that has benefits or a 401k at that. Every day Americans are having to work farther into old age, not because they choose to, but because they HAVE to. Please tell me how it is at all fair that a person can work their entire life at a job that is possibly hazardous to their health and not receive justified compensation for that work, when you are elected to provide for, and be the voice of your constituents, fail to do so, only work for two years while getting your pockets lined with more tax payer dollars from lobbyists pushing special interests that hurt Americans, and receive rewards that few in this country are lucky enough to have. Your gross salaries are unjustifiable, and your outrageous pensions are atrocious. A public servant should be just that- not an over-paid, big-wig who caters to other rich socialites and corporations. Please remember next time you propose a budget cut for Medicare, or soldiers' pay, to put yourself in someone else's shoes besides your own. If you were a regular American who pays 15-20% in taxes while making less than $40,000 a year with 4 kids to feed, wouldn't you want the people who are supposed to be your voice in government standing up for you and trying to get you the best deal possible, instead of seeing how much money they can wring from your pocket? I truly believe that your pension should be based upon the work and changes you accomplish while in office, as it would be in a regular job. That seems to be the only fair way to establish an outline for government pensions. If you don't work for the people, why should you get paid by the people? Fair and simple. Once again, please place yourself in someone's shoes who is less fortunate than you, and see where you stand after that evaluation.

Thank you,

Your Concerned Constituents Who Demand Change

Why is this important?

When elected as a government official, you are automatically guaranteed a life-long pension- even if you only served a two year term. Yet, as a middle class American receiving barely above minimum wage, you are lucky to find a job that offers a 401k or even health benefits. It is important that these outrageous pensions- which are more than the average American's yearly salary!- be abolished...especially since they come out of OUR tax dollars.