To: Midge Fae Butler, attorney at law and Jimmy Van Bramer, chair to the council's Cultural affairs

Stop G&M Realty from naming his towers 5 PointzTOWERS

Prevent the Trademarking of the name 5 Pointz, owned by 5 Pointz a non for profit corp, by G&M Realty, real estate developer whose principal destroyed the art site and is now trying to capitalize on it's name, to market its new luxury high rises.

Why is this important?

In 2002 artist Jonathan Cohen aka MeresOne reached an agreement with Gerald Wolkoff, real estate developer and owner of a warehouse in Queens. MeresOne was given full curatorial and operational control to host aerosol and street artists to come paint legally without repercussions. Given the chance to curate 200,000 square feet of blank canvas, Jonathan Cohen named the art program 5 Pointz Aerosol Art Center and created it's logo.
For over 11 years MeresOne volunteered and transformed a blank and dilapidated building into the epicenter of legal aerosol art in the world, catering to beginners, famed artists, art lovers and alike becoming the number one tourist attraction in Queens, New York.

On November 19th, 2013 New York City awoke to discover all the art pieces white washed and 5 Pointz destroyed. This art genocide was ordered by G&M realty, landlord of 5 Pointz, owner of the land and building, the destruction of the art work occurred in the dark of the night. This act was justified by the owner claiming 5 Pointz was not relevant and he owned the property hosting the art.

March 2014, the landlord G&M realty filed their request to trademark the name 5 Pointz to promote, market and advertise their new project, two luxury rental high-rise towers to be erected on the graveyard which became to be known as the graffiti mecca of the world, 5 Pointz.

Join me, in requesting the attention of the trademarking commission to stop G&M realty from exploiting further the art community and capitalizing on the fame of 5 Pointz created by Jonathan Meres one Cohen, by the people for the people.
