To: The Oregon State House, The Oregon State Senate, and Governor Kate Brown


1. Call for an immediate moratorium on field testing of any GMO crop in Oregon;

2. Reaffirm the 110-year-old mission of the Oregon State Land Grant University to conduct practical agricultural research and offer it for free to farmers; and

3. Seek legal remedy from Monsanto for economic damages to Oregon due to its proprietary GMO seed.

Why is this important?

The Monsanto GMO tainting of the Oregon wheat crop due to field testing a decade ago requires the following actions by the State of Oregon:
1. Call an immediate moratorium on field testing of any GMO crop in Oregon;

2. Reaffirm the 110-year-old mission of the Oregon State Land Grant University to conduct practical agricultural research and offer it free to farmers; and

3. Seek legal remedy from Monsanto for economic damages to the Oregon economy due to its proprietary GMO seed.