To: The California State House, The California State Senate, and Governor Gavin Newsom

Stop Gov. Brown from raiding California’s budget for prison expansion

Gov. Jerry Brown is on the verge of pouring at least half a billion dollars into our broken criminal justice system to expand jail capacity instead of embracing alternatives proven to reduce prison overcrowding, improve community safety, and save taxpayer dollars.

But Californians know better. We know that spending hundreds of millions of dollars to continue warehousing people behind bars won't move us any closer to lasting solutions to the state's incarceration crisis that are so desperately needed.

Why is this important?

Gov. Brown’s proposal would only exacerbate the broken and costly approach to public safety that has drained our budget without creating long-term, sustainable solutions. California must invest in alternatives like rehabilitation, job training and education proven to help people successfully re-enter society and reduce crime.

Our state’s leaders must start listening to the people they are elected to represent who overwhelmingly support smart on crime policies, and embrace the kinds of systemic reforms needed to reduce the state’s reliance on incarceration and lower the number of people who are locked up in the first place.

It’s time to put a stop to this waste – urge our legislators to reject this misguided and wasteful proposal that will only throw good money after bad. Demand policies that create safe and healthy communities and reduce costly prison overcrowding.
