To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Reduce Government Spending.

The government needs to stop spending money in excess. This needs to end before bankruptcy happens and everyone learns this lesson the hard way.

Why is this important?

Spending needs to stop on agricultural subsidies, corporate welfare, and tax credits for favored industries.

Excessive Government spending reduces labor force participation, increases unemployment, and reduces productivity.

Agricultural subsidies is when the government funds farmers. They give crop incentives and control cost.

Corporate welfare is basically financial aide for large corporations. This including three major business benefits that come in the forms of special tax breaks, trade policies, and spending programs. Tax breaks are special tax benefits for certain industries/situations. Trade policies regulate the direction and regulation of trade throughout the world. Spending programs are now 125 separate programs to subsidies to particular industries and firms and that the price tag exceeds $85 billion per year.

Cutting funding will force businesses to get off their annual goal of $85 billion a year. Being able to trade for supplies while creating jobs to create different new cheaper products. This will also cut the amount of taxes that have been heightened because of these expenditures.

Even though the ideals in Washington states that the United States needs an even closer alliance between business and politics, the reality is that both government and the marketplace would work better if they kept a healthy distance from each other.

Right now the government is almost 15 trillion dollars in debt. This money is borrowed from other countries. If something doesn't change everyone in America will learn this the hard way.