To: President Donald Trump
Stop Gun Violence with a Nationwide Gun Reform Policy
Criminal Background checks with every gun sale.
A ban on weapons of war like assault weapons and high capacity ammunition magazines.
A gun trafficking law to make it easier for law enforcement to prosecute criminals.
Fixing a broken mental health system.
A ban on weapons of war like assault weapons and high capacity ammunition magazines.
A gun trafficking law to make it easier for law enforcement to prosecute criminals.
Fixing a broken mental health system.
Why is this important?
Due to recent events at Sandy Brook Elementary school, the shooting at the movie theatre in Aurora, Colorado, and the shooting in Arizona where Congress woman Gabby Gifford and many other innocent people were brutally shot and some murdered this country has got to make a change. While some states may have strict laws on purchasing firearms there are those who are not meeting the standard to protect American citizens. By incorporating a nationwide gun policy the people of America will find it safer to walk down the street, send their children to school, and visit their local grocery store.