To: Irena Briganti, Executive Vice President, Corporate Communications, Rupert Murdoch, Executive Chairman of Fox News Channel, Jack Abernethy, Co-President, Suzanne Scott, President, Programming and Development, and Kevin Lord, Executive Vi...

Tell Fox News to fire Sean Hannity

Fox News host Sean Hannity is deceitful. He should be fired from Fox News for deeply unethical behavior in hiding his professional relationship with Donald Trump's personal attorney, Michael Cohen. Such a conflict of interest should not be tolerated, yet Fox News says he has their 'full support.' Tell Fox that pushing propaganda and peddling conspiracy theories is not "news."

Why is this important?

Hannity attacks the Mueller investigation, FBI, and Department of Justice because they are looking into potential criminal activity by Trump's campaign, his business, and personal lawyer Michael Cohen. Yet Hannity did not disclose this obvious conflict of interest until a judge demanded to know why Trump's lawyer was hiding Hannity's identity.

Hannity serves as a special mouthpiece for the Trump agenda, and it's reasonable to assume he may have been getting talking points and segment ideas right from the Trump team. Is it any surprise Trump so frequently promotes Hannity and Fox News?

A few years ago someone I know and love, an avid Hannity fan, raised her arm in a fist and mimicked a punch just short of my head, when I dared mention that Fox represented "opinions about facts" rather than news itself. According to my Facebook experience, this is not an uncommon difficulty inserting itself these days into families and loved ones' interactions.

For all the talk of 'fake news' and America First it really is remarkable how Hannity uses his show to attack award-winning members of the media, defend accused child molesters like Roy Moore, and push conspiracy theories.

Fox News will probably never be my preferred source of news, but they will gain some public trust back if they fire San Hannity. His deceit should not be tolerated.
