To: All Media, primarily TV and Radio in the US

Stop Hate Speech Now

Stop Hate Speech now. Expose and hold TV and radio stations responsible. The adverse Cost is immeasurable. We desperately need to work on humanity's common challenges together.

Why is this important?

Hate speech throughout the fragile history of humanity is the precursor to our ability to murder, to terrorize, to start and maintain wars, to oppress, to control. Hate thrives on lies, fear and dehumanizing the "other", creating vast human horror and suffering, mis-spending billions that could benefit our betterment. While every "side" says they possess the truth, this is where we need to intervene with truth telling. We have to prevent such large scale hate over TV, radio. Increasingly, daily it's destroying a future for our children and the hope of civilization. It interferes with our great ability to solve our shared challenges. We can do this. It means the world.
