To: President Donald Trump, The Florida State House, The Florida State Senate, Governor Ron DeSantis, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate


Stop the USDA and the FDA from allowing a horse meat factory to be owned and operated in the US. They've been banned here for years now, and they need to stay banned. We do not eat HORSE in the US, and we would be hypocritical and sickeningly devoid of any kind of humanity to allow horses to be bought/sold/mistreated/starved/beaten and then slaughtered on OUR SOIL.

Why is this important?

A bill is about to pass allowing sick, diseased, and abused horses to be sold on a block as "meat". They will then be taken (malnourished, beaten, and miserable - most so sick they can barely walk) - not to be cared for and rehabilitated for a life that has been unjust and cruel to these elegant creatures, but instead, they will be led or often forklifted (when they're too sick to stand) to their place in line for slaughter. Horsemeat is already showing up in US Meatballs (prepackaged). Would YOU eat a horse? Would you like to see horses sold for slaughter - killed here, chopped and grinded up for parts/meat, then shipped overseas while rotting in some cheap refrigerator? Isn't it time we stepped UP to help animals? Is there going to be a dog-meat factory next (horse meat is legal in London, and dog meat is legal in Korea, so why not? where does it stop?). IT STOPS HERE. HELP STOP THE MADNESS HERE!
