To: Jeff Davis, Port of Olympia Commissioner, George Barner, Port of Olympia Commissioner, and Bill McGregor, Port of Olympia Commissioner
Stop Importing Fracking Materials at the Port of Olympia
The Port of Olympia Commissoners are contributing to the building climate crisis by choosing a very short-sighted environmental impact analysis of the ceramic proppants that are being imported through our Port. The imported proppants will fuel additional decades of fossil fuel extraction. The burning of fossil fuels is driving global warming and the warming has generated a climate crisis. It is time to act.
Global warming is a jobs program. The solution to the climate crisis arises when we turn away from fossil fuels. There are good jobs building and moving green, sustainable materials that are not created when we continue to choose environmentally destructive practices. The Port of Olympia is in a unique position to choose wisely and stop engaging in the commerce of environmentally destructive practices. Help us break the fossil fuel addiction. Stop allowing import of ceramic proppants now.
We are going to love the post-fossil fuel world. Help us create the post-fossil fuel world. Stop allowing import of ceramic proppants now.
Global warming is a jobs program. The solution to the climate crisis arises when we turn away from fossil fuels. There are good jobs building and moving green, sustainable materials that are not created when we continue to choose environmentally destructive practices. The Port of Olympia is in a unique position to choose wisely and stop engaging in the commerce of environmentally destructive practices. Help us break the fossil fuel addiction. Stop allowing import of ceramic proppants now.
We are going to love the post-fossil fuel world. Help us create the post-fossil fuel world. Stop allowing import of ceramic proppants now.
Why is this important?
The Port of Olympia Commissioners have been permitting import of ceramic proppants since mid-2012. These proppants are being used to frack the Bakken formation in North Dakota. The fossil fuel industry is not bothering to capture the natural gas when they frack the Bakken because there is more profitable oil to be extracted, so they are simply burning the natural gas as a waste material. The oil from the Bakken could be pumped for 30 years, further fueling the climate crisis if we don't step in and say NO.
We can build a sustainable energy grid. Our children and grandchildren will thank us for making this change happen. The change begins when we all stop contributing to and facilitating the fossil fuel extraction industry.
We ask the Port Commissioners to stop the import and movement of the fracking materials now.
We can build a sustainable energy grid. Our children and grandchildren will thank us for making this change happen. The change begins when we all stop contributing to and facilitating the fossil fuel extraction industry.
We ask the Port Commissioners to stop the import and movement of the fracking materials now.