To: The California State House, The California State Senate, Governor Gavin Newsom, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Stop Intimidation and Harassment of Minorities

Dear Republican Leaders,
We, the citizens of this democracy, ask you to please speak up against the violence and intimidation that is being perpetrated on minorities in our country since the election. Please remind people that the rule of law still applies and hate crimes will not be tolerated. Please remind the police force that they represent all people in our country and need to arrest and prosecute anyone found committing a hate crime or harming anyone.

Why is this important?

There have been multiple reports of harassment, intimidation and brutal physical attacks across the country since the election. Minorities who are US citizens are being targeted, asked to leave the country and told they are not American. This is the not the country our forefathers envisioned. Our elected officials must step up and speak out for the democratic principles our country was founded on.
