To: President Donald Trump, The Michigan State House, The Michigan State Senate, Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Rep. Haley Stevens (MI-11), Sen. Debbie Stabenow (MI-1), Sen. Gary Peters (MI-2), The United States House of Representatives, and The...

Stop ISIS from attaking christians in Mousol and all Iraq

God has made you as the greatest nation on earth for a reason. Please you cant sit and watch how iraqi christians are getting killed rapped rubbed and forced to become muslims and leave christianity while USA sitting with no any humanly action. ISIS are implementing there sharea law as its written in Alquran in Surat ALTOBA verse 29 which their god ordering muslims to fight Jews and Christians to force them to become muslims and if they refuse then either they have to pay Al JEZYA or get killed. This is exactlly what happened and still happening to the iraqi christians. Please dont sit silent please

Why is this important?

Saving the christian if IRAQ from ISIS