To: Judge Scott Johansen, 7th District Juvenile Court Judge

Stop Judge Johansen! Help Mothers Adopt Foster Child

Judge Johansen has used his personal bias to prevent the married foster parents of a 1 yr old girl from adopting her. Despite the fact that April Hoagland and Beckie Pierce already have 2 children, meet the legal requirements to adopt and have been endorsed by the biological mother, this Judge has filed an order to stop the adoption based on his personal and religious views.

Why is this important?

As a gay ex-Mormon I am infuriated by seeing a civil servant using his religious views to tamper with Utah citizens' lives. This couple is legally married and meet ALL the requirements to adopt the child they have been fostering for 3 months. This judge's decision came about less than a week after the LDS church put out a new policy punishing the children of gay parents. These actions are linked and proof of the dangers legal citizens face when a religion is intertwined with legislation. Apparently there have not been enough anti-discrimination laws put into place to stop this type of thing from happening. There is a terrible shortage of foster parents here in Utah as well. We should be grateful and respectful to every couple that opens their home in order to relieve this crisis. Please sign so we can submit this petition in order to uphold the law and reverse this discriminatory ruling.