To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

stop judicial correction services from charge exorbitant fees to people with simple tickets

stop privet corporations from sending people to debtors prison.only allow the government to jail us and not collection agencies.. stop judicial correction services....

Why is this important?

these Private corporations are basically putting people in debtors prison and using law enforcement too collect fees from people with simple speeding type lady had a 170 dollar fine and they added 3000 grand too it and then sent her two jail for not being able to pay.the supreme court has already ruled the debtors prison is unconstitutional but yet these correction services corporations are bringing this stuff back and holding people hostage ..if they can't pay their so called fees..we need to stop these corporations from taking over our justice system..we need to get congress too pass a law so they can't put you on probation and send you to jail for a 100 dollar fine...we need to bring this to the fore front