To: Kathleen Sebelius, Health and Human Services Secretary of the United States

Stop KanCare. Keep $3 billion in Kansas.

Dear Secretary Sebelius,
I am signing this petition as I join with thousands of mothers, fathers, caregivers, family and friends of adults with intellectual disabilites. We are asking you to intervene on our behalf and stop Governor Sam Brownback from implementing "KanCare" in Kansas.

I have concerns about the KanCare plan. I have doubts about a for-profit insurance agency being able to deliver the services needed by Kansans with intellectual disabilities and Governor Brownback can offer no proof that the services will remain at current levels nor does he offer any recourse if they do not.

Furthermore, I am opposed to sending a $3-billion contract out of the state rather than keeping our tax dollars here in Kansas. (Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas declined an opportunity to bid on this contract. Why?)

Another concern is the rush to have “Kancare” implemented statewide by January 1, 2013.

I know that during your tenure as Governor of Kansas you dealt with funding waiting lists for the developmentally disabled. Please continue to care for the Kansans you cared about as governor and stop Sam Brownback and Kansas Lieutenant Governor Jeff Colyer from implenting KanCare.

If you have any doubts as to the opinion thousands of Kansas families and caregivers have on this issue, we will do what is necessary to demonstrate our deep concerns and genuine fears about KanCare. Just ask. The people of Kansas will speak to you through petitions, letters, rallies, whatever it takes.

Why is this important?

Kansas Governor Sam Brownback wants to implement KanCare, a program that will shift the long-term care of Kansans with intellectual disabilities from the Kansas Medicaid program to out-of-state, for-profit insurance companies by awarding a $3-billion contract to private insurance companies. Governor Brownback and his Lieutenant Governor Jeff Coyle continue to insist that KanCare will save the state money despite evidence to the contrary.

Families and professionals have voiced concerns over this plan. There is no proof that for-profit insurance companies can do the job or will deliver the services needed. There is no adequate recourse for the state of Kansas or the families concerned if the for-profit insurance companies do not deliver the level of services needed.

This petition is to ask former Governor and current Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to intervene on behalf of Kansans with intellectual disabilities, their families and their service providers to stop the implementation of KanCare by January 2013.

By signing this petition you are asking for help for the Kansans with intellectual disabilities who do not have the cognitive skills or communication skills to help themselves.
