To: The United States Senate

Stop Ken Cuccinelli from taking over U.S. immigration policy

Ken Cuccinelli is a dangerous extremist who misused his office as Virginia attorney general in a failed attempt to bolster his political career. Please publicly oppose placing Cuccinelli at U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services and ensure that the next director respects human rights and dignity.

Why is this important?

Ken Cuccinelli has a shockingly regressive record on immigration, including:

- Comparing immigration policy to pest control and insinuating that the government should break up immigrant families.
- Sponsoring a resolution to amend the Constitution and strip US-born children of undocumented immigrants of their citizenship
- Introducing legislation to let employees get fired for speaking languages other than English at work and disqualifying them from unemployment benefits
- Repeatedly referring to immigration as an "invasion" and speaking in favor of invoking "war powers" to drop due process and militarize the border

The head of the union that represents US Citizenship and Immigration Services employees did not mince words: "the possible appointment of Ken Cuccinelli ... spells the end of legal immigration as it currently exists."

As Virginia attorney general, Cuccinelli embarked on a multiyear legal campaign to smear and discredit one of the world's most prominent climate scientists, Michael E. Mann. Cuccinelli demanded thousands of emails by invoking a discredited conspiracy theory in order to allege fraud. It was a clear case of political interference and censorship, and Cuccinelli ultimately lost.

The episode demonstrates the danger of putting Cuccinelli into a position of power over others. Now, as climate change drives forced migration around the globe, Cuccinelli is set to take over the US Citizenship and Immigration Services, which handles the legal process of gaining residency and citizenship in this country.

Even many Republican senators loathe Cuccinelli, who led a group that has boosted their conservative primary challengers. Tell your senators that Cuccinelli is too unqualified and extreme for this, or any, position in our federal government!