To: President Donald Trump, The Washington State House, The Washington State Senate, Governor Jay Inslee, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Stop Kill Shelters From Abusing and Euthanizing Adoptable Animals

Over 4 million innocent animals - abused, lost, stray, stolen, injured etc., even with treatable but ignored illness – are mistreated, neglected and euthanized each year due to lack of funds, space in shelters and staff impatience.

Dogs and cats who just want a loving home are left lonely, fearful, sometimes abused and then cruelly put to death. If there was a law that limited the number of animals bred, this would make a great difference and help animals in shelters have a better chance of finding a home.

The negative and erroneous connotation that "shelter pets" are not as good as full bred pets leaves these animals with no hope of finding homes and the neglect and sometimes abuse they experience while in shelters could possibly leave them harder to adopt and/or left with physical problems and illness associated with stress and shelter conditions.

You can help the animals who cannot help themselves! Sign the petition and we will work towards ending Kill Shelters. Animal shelters need to work together to train employees on proper treatment of animals in need and to dedicate more time to finding these creatures homes (even foster homes) instead of killing them off to make room for more even when they have empty space. Employees of these shelters also need to be carefully screened in proper, gentle treatment of shelter pets and conditions must be improved.

You can make a difference! Join my fight to end animal abuse, neglect and rampant animal euthanizing at kill shelters.

Why is this important?

You can make a difference! Join my fight to end animal cruelty, neglect and rampant euthanizing at kill shelters.
