To: John Hickenlooper, Governor of Colorado
Stop Killing Wildlife in Colorado!
Governor Hickenlooper, terminate your predator control program with Wildlife Services and protect the native wildlife and public health of Colorado.
Why is this important?
Wildlife Services is a federal agency that conducts predator control on private, public, and tribal lands throughout Colorado. Predator control includes shooting, trapping, snaring, and aerial gunning to kill black bears, bobcats, mountain lions, and coyotes. Lethal poisons and chemicals are also used for predator control, imposing a risk to public health and safety. Wildlife Services is expanding this work in an attempt to increase mule deer populations for hunting, although the best available science suggests that predator control isn’t effective. Western Environmental Law Center is a nonprofit, environmental law firm dedicated to defending wildlife in the West. Their expert attorneys are preparing to file suit against Wildlife Services about this matter.