To: William Stasior, Board Chairman of UNCF

Stop Koch Brothers' Take Over of the United Negro College Fund

Given that the Koch brother's positions on so many issues have been contrary to the needs of the African American community-from stand your ground to voter restriction to segregation in schools-they should not be allowed to be on the United Negro College Fund's board of directors. If that means that they will not give their $25 million donation then so be it. Until they demonstrate in practice that they support our concerns, they should not be given positions of influence. And I encourage all of good will and African Americans to financially support the historically black college or university (HBCU) of your choice. These institutions are vital to our community and we must step up and give our support.

Why is this important?

I am submitting a corrected petition because the issue is very important to me, a graduate of an HBCU.
