To: The Maine State House, The Maine State Senate, and Governor Janet Mills

Stop Legal Discrimination from Reaching Maine

According to the Bangor Daily News, a draft of a Maine senator’s "religious freedom" bill, also known as "An Act to Enact the Preservation of Religious Freedom Act" is nearly identical to the Indiana law. Sign this petition to help us stop the "Religious Freedom" bill from hitting Maine, just as it hit Indiana.

Why is this important?

I have been a Mainer all my life, and I am also a part of the LGBT community. I love my state, and I love the people that are a part of my community. The religious freedom law Sen. David Burns, R-Whiting proposing will allow local businesses to discriminate and refuse service to anyone who is a part of the LGBT community. We have already seen this in our history; denying service to people of different races or religions, and they thought it was okay then. It wasn't then, and it isn't now.

According to the Constitution of the United States, Thomas Jefferson wrote that we may "make no law respecting an establishment of religion", meaning that the laws of the church cannot make laws of the government, Federal or State. A law like this is a way of forcing religion on others, and a quick way to negatively affect our economy here in Maine.

Businesses and companies such as Apple, NASCAR, Starbucks, Dow, the NBA, the NCAA and many others are pulling right out of Indiana in disagreement with Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration Act. What would that do to our state? Our economy will suffer a drastic loss, and could be potentially unrecoverable forcing some to move out of the state.

This law is morally, legally and even economically not a good decision for this state--our state, or any others. If you don't sign this petition for moral reasons, sign it because you don't want to see our home go into an economic downfall. Please sign this petition to stop Maine's legislators from making "An Act to Enact the Preservation of Religious Freedom Act" exist and active.
