To: The Ohio State House and The Ohio State Senate
Stop Legislation that is Destructive to Primary Education in Ohio
Ohio's new "Third Grade Guarantee" is ill-conceived and destructive legislation. Public primary schools are being set up to fail.
Why is this important?
Young and developing students are in danger of not being promoted based on narrow and often inappropriate testing. Veteran teachers with masters degrees, decades of experience, and years of successfully teaching reading are being labeled "unqualified" because they do not hold the new and "out of the blue" required reading endorsement. Districts that can not follow these new restrictive laws will lose funding even further than last year's devastating cuts. And yet, tax money continues to be funneled into charter schools which are not held to the same standards. The authors of these laws failed to create a committee of licensed and professional educators so that knowledgable discussion and discourse can be part of the decision making. One can only conclude that the intent is to be destructive to public education.