To: Michael J. Madigan, Chairman, Democratic Party of Illinois, Emanuel "Chris" Welch, Representative, Illinois' Seventh Rep District, John D'Amico, Representative, Illinois' Fifteen Rep District, and Jaime Andrade, Representative, Illinois'...

Stop linking progressive state rep challengers to Gov. Rauner

Stop the inaccurate direct mail campaign linking progressive challengers (Chris Harris, Jac Charlier & Harish I. Patel) to Gov. Bruce Rauner.

Why is this important?

Democratic Party of Illinois & Reps. Emanuel "Chris" Welch, John D'Amico & Jaime Andrade have flooded mailboxes with dubious, inaccurate and unsourced claims that Chris Harris, Jac Charlier & Harish I. Patel are linked to Gov. Bruce Rauner.

Attacking progressive & independent candidates as being tools of Rauner is a cynical way for insiders to protect themselves from legitimate challenges in Democratic Party primary.
