To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate
Stop Lying to the Public!
Candidates and politicians have knowingly deceived the pubic time and again telling deliberate lies to bolster their positions. Any politician or candidate for office or any of their surragates that deliberately lie about an issue to the public in order to gain votes or to keep the public confused and misled about voting for their opponent should be jailed and fined as a person is that commits perjury in a court of law.
Why is this important?
Candidates and politicians have knowingly deceived the pubic time and again telling deliberate lies to bolster their positions. Any politician or candidate for office or any of their surragates that deliberately lie about an issue to the public in order to gain votes or to keep the public confused and misled about voting for their opponent should be jailed and fined as a person is that commits perjury in a court of law.