To: StopMegaTower

Stop Mega Tower


This summer the Palm Springs Unified School District is planning to erect a new 85 foot MEGA-TOWER along with a 67’ x 26’ x 10’ high EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE in the playground area of the Vista Del Monte Elementary School adjacent to Victoria Park.

The new tower will replace the existing tower but will also increase the number of cell phone carriers from 1 to 4!
The current tower caused major health concerns when it was erected in 2005 – So much concern that the school district spent $15,000 investigating it! Now they want to quadruple the exposure to the children, faculty, park visitors and the neighborhood. Plus, no one is saying what’s housed in the massive EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE!
While the cell phone companies say these MEGA-TOWERS are safe, there’s research on both sides to indicate we don’t know the true health risks of a cell tower. Some researchers believe health risks include significant increases in cancer, leukemia, miscarriage, DNA damage, and cardiac problems. Children have been found to be at risk for increased instances of both sicknesses and learning impairments.

Yes, we all enjoy the convenience of cell phones, but at what cost? Is it worth risking our children’s health for the slight monetary benefits the school receives?

If you agree that we should look for alternative location for MEGA-TOWERS than our school yards or parks, please do one of the following:
2) Write, email or call the Palm Springs Mayor and your City Council Member
3) Attend the Palm Springs City Council meeting on June 18th at Palm Springs City Hall Council Chamber 6:30 PM 3200 East Tahquitz Canyon Way
4) Like our Facebook page . Find out more information, see the proposed plans and keep up to date!

Why is this important?

Please urge Palm Springs City Council to stop the Mega-Tower project at Vista Del Monte School in Palm Springs.