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To: David Chiu, President, SF Board of Supervisors, Mark Farrell, SF BoS, Jane Kim, SF BoS, The California State House, The California State Senate, and Governor Gavin Newsom

Stop Motorcycle Noise Pollution

Ban super-loud motorcycles (the kind that set-off car alarms) from the streets of San Francisco.

Why is this important?

This is an environmental / quality of life / noise pollution issue:

I live in San Francisco where there's enough noise already -- without all these motorcyclists riding their super-loud "hogs," setting off car alarms, disturbing daily life. What's with these people and their "I am the loudest!" antisocial behavior? It's beyond inconsiderate. One theory I've heard is that they're compensating for something (a part of their anatomy?) that's lacking?

I'm concerned that if nothing is done, the noise levels will only continue to increase.

Rather than accept this as the norm, let's speak up and change our reality. I can see this issue growing like wildfire since many people I've spoken to share the same feelings.

Also, in the coming years, as more hybrid cars hit the road (with their auto-off feature whenever they come to a stop), we'll slowly be tilting the balance toward a quieter street life. Imagine that? Please, join us!



2020-05-14 19:49:47 -0400

100 signatures reached